How often do I need to update my arc flash study?
NFPA 70E code requires arc flash studies to be updated every five (5) years.

View the latest NFPA70E Standard HERE.
If you make any changes to your facility’s electrical system within that five-year cycle, an additional update is required to mark the changes to the original study. Any new feeds, new lines, new protective devices, new panels, new branch circuits, and any other changes that have been implemented to the physical and electrical installation since the original study should be included in the update.
This generally pertains to any equipment listed at 240 Volts and above 2000 amps of available fault current, which usually translates to 30 amps at 480 volts or a larger circuit at a lower voltage.
What facility changes require an arc flash study?
Arc Flash Analysis Update Requirements also apply in the case of remodels when equipment is moved to a new location in your facility and needs a new feeder, conduit, or panel.

Manufacturing facility devices that need arc flash hazard labels
Suppose you’ve performed an arc flash study with EPSCO. In that case, we can often complete the update remotely without needing an onsite visit by utilizing the data collected and schematics we produced in the original study. If a site visit is necessary, one of the engineers in our nationwide network of electrical contractors can help us get a scope of the work.
If your facility changes or moves equipment often, talk to an EPSCO representative about our enterprise program.
Keep in mind that updating your arc flash study as needed and on a regular cycle significantly decreases your study’s cost. If you have any other questions regarding the update or would like to discuss scheduling your next update, connect with us below!
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